Resume Writing Services

Resume Writing services can vary from company but the desired result is that your competencies are highlighted throughout your resume, so that potential employers can get a good understanding of you and your current skillset. When you choose to hire a professional resume writer, they will take the time to sit with you to discuss your current employment situation and desired career path to help maximize your potential to achieve an interview in your respective areas. The more effort you put into your consultation and providing your writer with the details required, the better they can design a resume to meet your needs.


30-Minute Assessment

Professionally Written & Formatted Resume


30-Minute Assessment

Professionally Written & Formatted Resume​

Cover Letter


30-Minute Assessment

Professionally Written & Formatted Resume​

Cover Letter

LinkedIn Buildout

Coaching Services

I provide the following coaching services: Life Coaching, Mindset/Accountability Coaching, Career Coaching & Relationship Coaching. Each focus area aims to hone in on the challenges within the designated space and work on creating a clear path through the obstacles.

Coaches help to uncover what it is you require to navigate a certain aspect of your life to help you succeed. Through the coaching process, you will be able to target your goals and obstacles to then be able to work to find the path of least resistance. It is important to remember that coaches do not have all the answers and that working with a coach cannot guarantee your goals will be realized.  What can be expected is that you will be able to walk away with a deeper understanding of oneself, from the habits that hinder to the strengths that empower. Coaching requires a level of consistency and commitment, requiring a level of willingness and being open to exploring new possibilities.

Single Session

60-Minute Session

Scheduled once a month or upon request

Weekly (X1)

60-Minute Session

Scheduled once a week

Weekly (X2)

60-Minute Session

Scheduled twice a week

*Annual Plans Available for all options*


Crimson Connection does not provide health care, mental health care, medical or nutrition therapy services or attempts to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure in any any physical ailment, or any mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. If you think you may be in need of a medical professional, seek out medical care. Crimson Connection works closely with Clark Counseling Services, which focuses on holistic mental health counseling based on your specific needs.

- Contact 211 for additional information and assistance on these needs -